The Ankh has been used throughout the ages to symbolize Life Everlasting. It is one of the oldest, best-known, and most powerful symbols in the world.
Life and vitality will never go out of style!
Eternal Life -- Breath of Life -- Afterlife --In Ancient Egypt, Isis, goddess of fertility, magic, and healing is often depicted with an Ankh.
The ankh is often thought to symbolize a mirror. The Ankh, like the sandalstrap it is said to depict, binds life on earth with the afterlife, and the Egyptians thought of the afterlife as a mirror image of earthly life. When ancient Egyptians made actual mirrors they were made in the shape of Ankhs.
Physical Healing Properties
• Encourages sleep and rest
• Clears the mind
• Boosts the immune system
•For those who struggle to cut down on their drinking, Amethyst encourages the wearer to stay sober
Emotional Healing Properties
• Calm and clarity
• Sweeps away negativity
• Helps with decision making
• Unveils inspiration
Amethyst has been used throughout history as an amulet for protection to counteract negative energies in the external environment. It has been said to ward off physical attacks and protect the mind against emotional manipulation.